Unique One-Of-A-Kind Functional Art For                             Home & Garden 

Born in 1945, raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, first generation Sicilian American, what a wonderful blend of love, laughter, passion, history, art, and traditions. New Orleans has always been a melting pot of traditions and cultures from all parts of this wonderful planet, during Mardi Gras from planets unknown.

An artist all my life, educated as a RN, worked OR and ER mostly over 44 years, the last 20 as a RN Paralegal, Healthcare Risk Manager and Certified Herbalist. Art provides me hope for the future, stabilizes, soothes, revitalizes me, is my "therapy" breathing life, energy, and hope into the most common of natural elements, mud.

My brother is an artist as well. Our mother taught us both to embroider as children, which came in handy for him in surgery. He is older by 18 months and led the way into the medical field as an ophthalmologist; still practicing as a physician serving an underserved community. 

Two children, my daughter, a hair and makeup artist in the film industry. Together we have managed to carve out and incorporate a small Sanctuary for Birds, Flora and Fauna on approximately 2.5 acres of what was once a small community on the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain, which has exploded since Hurricane Katrina. The critters need a space to call home, so we are trying to reduce the paving of paradise and installation of that proverbial concrete parking lot. 

My son, a Metal Artist, Organic Farmer, Farrier, Chef, Fireman, EMT, Carpenter, Adventurer and Travel Companion over the years, lives on 155 Acre Organic Farm in the hills of Tennessee. A giver from childhood, he is there for anyone or anything that may need help or assistance. He reminds me of a great live oak tree, always trying to shelter others. I am so proud of my offspring, as they both have chosen to give back to nature and the inhabitants of this great blue sphere we all call home.

I come from a long line of artisans, paternal as well as maternal. My father straight off the boat from Sicily sang opera and Neapolitan songs, was a watchmaker by trade, jeweler, and engineer. He could make anything, and I idolized him. In his later years, he made two guitars, as well as the molds, tools, or whatever was necessary to produce these beautiful art objects; one guitar for me and one for my brother. My mother's parents arrived form Sicily as well, her father crafted antiques and fine carpentry during the late 1800's in New Orleans and sang in the New Orleans Opera House. 

I have worked as a travel nurse everywhere in these beautiful United States. In each new place I visited, I made sure to learn about the culture, appreciated the topography, people, traditions and art. 

In 1966, I traveled from New Orleans to Managua, Nicaragua by car on business. Driving through Mexico we decided to stay overnight in Mexico City to investigate the area. As a side trip we found someone to take us to a place less traveled. We stood atop the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán; no one else there, just me, my husband, the gentleman that brought us and The Wind. The Wind had a voice that changed my life. What an experience that trip was for a sheltered 19-year-old Sicilian girl from New Orleans!

That was the beginning of my quest to see and experience as much as possible while young. I travel by car or train, walk or bike; just traveling at a slower pace to experience the environment, allowing body, mind, and spirit to drink in everything. After all, the experience is about the journey, and the lessons we learn reaching the destination. As a family we “experienced” the Pacific Coast from California to British Columbia; East Coast Florida to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. I have been through the Mid-West, Southwest, visited the biggies such as the Four Corners, Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore and along the Appalachian Trail in the east. Penland School of Crafts and The Appalachian Center for Crafts were great inspirations. So much to experience, so little time.

Antique real estate is a passion as the art intended. Homes today are built fast, and they do not  use materials meant to last.  Maybe one of the reasons I love pottery, glass, mosaics, and concrete? Perhaps hundreds or thousands of years from now someone will uncover a piece of my work, know that I existed and wonder about the person that created the artwork in their hands. That is what I contemplate while creating  art and when I view, touch, or feel the energy of someone else's art. I connect to the energy instilled by that artist. 

My intent is to connect you to the spirituality and collective conscious of nature with my art. Stay connected with nature and all her beauty, you will always feel better and experience peace.  Life is stressful, we need reminders to connect to the important things daily. 

Thank you for visiting my Etsy website. If you have questions or would like something specific for you or your space, please contact me.

Wishing you Love, Health, Peace, Blessings & Fulfillment daily.



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